Hey Mama, I'm Cynthia.
My Story
Deep down I knew I always wanted to become a mom and start a family of my own but I had so much fear about taking the leap and actually making it a reality. So much that for almost an entire year I had convinced myself that I didn’t want to have children at all.
What I didn’t realize then was that my sacral chakra was totally blocked. Being creative is in my nature and I had been suppressing that the whole time. I was denying my true self and the stagnant energy had begun to not only block my fertility but was also contaminating my thoughts and feelings about motherhood.
Finally, I said enough is enough. This isn’t who I am or what I want. I had spent years earning two master’s degrees and getting certified in different holistic modalities such as feng shui, energy medicine, reiki, etc. and one day it hit me- why the hell am I not using all of this divine wisdom to heal myself and gain the advantage over my fertility that I deserve and am totally capable of achieving?
The fear was coming from my own conception. My mom had to do IVF 5 times in order to have me- I was conceived on what would have been her final try and chance at biological motherhood. While I am thankful for modern science and this miracle, knowing she had trouble getting pregnant triggered a deep subconscious fear for me that I too would have trouble conceiving.
It made me want to start early and do everything I could to increase my chances of getting pregnant naturally and on my own terms.
It took time and a lot of energy clearing to free myself of this limiting belief but I was able to use my training in feng shui, energy medicine and more to reset my mind, body and home. I was finally feeling mentally and emotionally prepared to start trying to get pregnant but still felt like my knowledge of my physical body was lacking. I was craving the support of an expert to learn more about my cycle so I could pinpoint my fertile window and really give myself the best shot in getting pregnant timing-wise. I decided that the last piece of the puzzle was to hire a coach!
It was the best thing I could have every done for my husband and I and my now sweet baby. Energetically speaking, everything I had done for myself cleared all blocks and enormously amplified my fertility. This, combined with my new scientific knowledge of cycle tracking that I learned from my coach, allowed everything to fall into place at exactly the right time. My daughter was conceived on the first try and I became the mom I always knew I was meant to be!
A little More About Me…
I’m one of the most kind, loving and hyper- organized people you will ever meet (despite my sometimes resting bitch face) LOL- For real, I’m a true Capricorn!
I currently live in Connecticut with my awesome husband, daughter, sassy dog named Maggie and bearded dragon, Leslie. I’m super creative, love to bake and I’m a huge Harry Potter fan!

Why work with ME?
I know exactly what it’s like to want to have a plan and feel in control of the things you actually CAN have control over… and be able to let go of the things you can’t.
Getting pregnant got to feel easy when the time actually came to try, because I was as prepared as I could possibly be in all that I was able to control. I got to be happy knowing I was healthy for me and my baby, my relationship with my husband was solid, and my home was ready for a newborn and our new lives together.
As someone who can be a total control freak, I get how frustrating it can be to not have all the answers. When we work together, my focus is to teach you about the things you CAN control. It’s about giving you the advantage of (hopefully) conceiving sooner, while letting go of the stress you don’t need over the things you can’t control.
I can’t promise you that your story will be just like mine after working together. I don’t claim to be any kind of miracle worker- just someone who knows the secrets of getting the universe on your side as much as humanly possible. And I can tell you from my own experience that it’s so much harder to go at this journey alone without the information and support that you need. Looking back, I am at peace knowing that even if I did end up having trouble conceiving, I did so much to improve our entire lives that I would still be glad I tried it my way first (naturally) before resorting to medical interventions.
I know there are more women out there like me (like YOU!) who want to be as prepared as possible. I had to figure it all out myself, but you don’t have to. I’m here to tell you it doesnt need to be stressful and difficult. Planning your family should be one of the happiest times in your life- its a big deal and I want you to know that I’m here to help!
I want you to feel great about starting your family! Let me help you get there…
My Professional Background
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been super creative. My love for art and people led me to persue Art Education at the University of Massachusetts, Darmouth where I earned my BFA.
As I got older, I continued to dive deeper into spirituality, and decided to futher my education in the area of holistic studies. I attended The Graduate Institute in Bethany, CT, where I earned two Master of Arts degrees- one in Learning and Thinking and the other in Integrated Health and Healing. Through each of these graduate programs, I studied a plethora of mind/body medicine and energy healing techniques that ultimately led me through my own personal healing transformation.
My continued interest for living an alternative natural lifestyle is what lead me to find feng shui. As I learned more, I quickly became so obsessed that I trained to become a certified feng shui consultant. This powerful, ancient art and science is truly mind-blowing has been my secret weapon for remaining in a divine flow with the universe. Most recently, feng shui has been one of the greatest tools I used to manifest and conceive my daughter quickly and easily.
Each of these steps on my journey, including my 10 years of teaching experience, have guided me down the path of helping other women on their feritlity and pregnancy journey. It is a supreme honor and a privledge to serve women who so desire the magic of motherhood. ❤️
When you work with me, its NOT a cookie cutter, one size fits all method. You will receive a totally custom fertility plan tailored to YOU and your specific needs unique to YOUR journey and lifestyle. I will be with you every step of the way. I can’t wait to start this journey with you!