What is The Sacral Chakra?

A healthy Sacral Chakra promotes a healthy womb in which your baby can grow and flourish until they are ready to meet you Earth-side
The sacral chakra is without a doubt one of the most important, yet overlooked factors when it comes to fertility and pregnancy.
Working with the sacral chakra is 100% natural, and one of the easiest, most effective (and most fun) ways to prepare for conception and pregnancy.
Why is this so important for conception and pregnancy?
The sacral chakra is located between the pubic bone and the navel. It’s literally the baby-making energy center of your body! It influences your ability to express your desires and emotions, sexuality, passion, fertility, and creative imagination.
Blocks within your sacral chakra that can throw off your entire mind/body energy. In my coaching programs, I give you a variety of healing art activities designed to get your creativity and fertility flowing so your energy is completely open and supportive to conception once you are ready to start trying.
Your home also has a fertility energy center which is where Feng shui will be utilized to strengthen fertile energy within your physical living space.
All of these methods when used together provide an astronomical advantage for natural conception. In addition to enhancing fertility, you will without a doubt experience an overall positive shift in energy, impovement in your your quality of life and relationships.
Tapping into your creative energy is key to balancing your sacral chakra and promoting healthy fertility. Let me help you find your creative mojo and have fun doing it!
Start activating your sacral chakra today by downloading your free chakra mandala coloring page.